META Tag Free
Ever wondered why other web sites have a better position in search engine results than your own web site?
A lot may have to do with the fact that they have meta tags and you don't, or they have more relevant meta tags than you. A meta tag is basically hidden text within your web site code which is placed between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.
We have created a free service which creates meta tags for you. Once they are created all you have to do is copy and paste the code into your web site's html code.
This form will generate HTML META tags suitable for inclusion in your HTML document. These tags allow better indexing by robot-driven search engines, such as Google, Alta Vista, searchBC and Yahoo. Some HTML editors will generate some of these tags automatically such as Front Page.
Here is another meta tag generator Meta Builder 2 that you might like to check out. We found the one below is the most efficient and easiest to use.
Just fill in the form below (All fields do not need to be completed for the form to work.)
See META TAG explanations below. |
Title: The Title META tag should be a concise, one-line summary of what the page is about.Author: The author META tag defines the name of the author of the document being read.
Description: The description META tag is presented to the user along with the document's title as the result of a search.
Many robots use the first few lines of text as a description if the Description tag is not present. For documents using frames, it is possible that there is no such text present. For an academic text, this should probably be the abstract.Keywords: The Keywords META tag is a space-separated list of key words for indexing your document.
Some robots look at keywords in context, so it is best to preserve word order and case, e.g. pizza, Vancouver, British Columbia rather than british vancouver columbia pizzaGenerator: The Generator META tag defines the name of the HTML Editor used in preparing the webpage.
Language: The Language META tag defines the language of the webpage.
Expires: The expires META tag defines the expiration date and time of the document being indexed and requires RFC1123 date format, for example: Thu, 04 Oct 2010 14:21:20 GMT.
Abstract: The abstract META tag is a one line sentence which gives an overview of the entire webpage.
Copyright: no need to add ©, it will be added automatically.
Designer: The designer META tag is the Webmaster.
Publisher: Company that publishes material being read or sold on a web site.
Revisit-After: The Revisit META tag defines how often a search engine or spider should come to your website for re-indexing. For example: 2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, etc. Note: Just add number(s), word Days will be added automatically.
Distribution: Global (indicates that your webpage is intended for mass distribution to everyone), Local (intended for local distribution of your document), and IU - Internal Use (not intended for public distribution).
Robots: The filler is a comma separated list of terms: ALL, NONE, INDEX, NOINDEX, FOLLOW, NOFOLLOW.
Discussion: This tag is meant to provide users who cannot control the robots.txt file at their sites. It provides a last chance to keep their content out of search services. It was decided not to add syntax to allow robot specific permissions within the meta-tag.
INDEX means that robots are welcome to include this page in search services.
FOLLOW means that robots are welcome to follow links from this page to find other pages.
So a value of NOINDEX allows the subsidiary links to be explored, even though the page is not indexed. A value of NOFOLLOW allows the page to be indexed, but no links from the page are explored (this may be useful if the page is a free entry point into pay-per-view content, for example. A value of NONE tells the robot to ignore the page.
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