Lieutenant Wiley Wriston Cloninger 1st Lieutenant Wiley Wriston Cloninger,
born August 10, 1837 and died December 14, 1862 from
being run through with a bayonet at the battle of
Fredericksburg, VA. He was at Wayside Hospital or
General Hospital No. 9 and transferred to Hanover
Grove. Wiley was promoted to 1st Sergeant and later on
February 27, 1862 to 1st Lieutenant.
Wiley died single and along with
farming was a school teacher. He is buried at Christ
Lutheran Church Cemetery in Stanley, Gaston County, NC
Camp 28th, NC Regt. Dear father mother grandmother and
sisters I one time more have the pleasure of dropping
you a few lines to let you know that I am in the land
of the living I am in tolable health at present. Though
my health has bin bad since the fight, but I was only
confined to bed about 4 days. Lt. Rhyne was sick at the
same time the Dr. said we had a touch of the fever
though we are both able again. I would have been at
home I think about this time I think if I had not bin
sick at the time I was. I was selected from our Regt to
go to Statesville after the conscripts due our Regt but
I was not able to go Therefore there was another
officer sent in my place. I am afraid I am a little
unlucky. The health of our co is not very good. Though
none of them dangerous. I got a letter a few minutes
ago which was a great satisfaction to me as I am always
glad to get a letter from home. John Friday son of
David Friday died about 10 days ago with fever. Wilson
Love wounded in the battle died in Richmond a few days
ago. Our com will feel his loss as he was one of the
leading men of our co. Andrew Beaty, and Joseph
Ratchford and Bell from Crowders Creek have all three
got their arms cut off as they were wounded in the
battle. So we lose 5 men from our co. Johana Stroupe is
dead. Daniel Cloninger left here the other day for him
I sent 270 dollars with him which you may lend out if
you can. We are now ready to march We have sent all our
things ahead. We will march to Richmond this evening.
We will have to go to the mountains.
I suppose to join Jackson A. P. Hill's
Division goes which consists of 6 or 7 Brigades. I fear
when we get under Jackson we will get hard times. We
will leave some 28th. If Arm co behind sick and
wounded. As for my part I will try and stay with my co
as long as I am able. Nearly all the officers in the
37th M Regt have resigned. John Moore and robt McGinnas
are both well as I saw both a little while ago. I will
close as I have nothing much to write. Write as often
as convenient. I remain as ever your most affectionate
son. W. W. Cloninger NB Adress Liut Cloninger
Gordonsville Oringe, P. O. Va 28 A M Troops Company B
This is an abstract of a letter from
Wiley W. Cloninger to his family. The letter is very
faded, and I hope I have all the letters correct. |
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